I am deeply concerned for the spiritual well being of Christ followers. The line between right and wrong, holiness and unholiness and sin or not sin seems to be widening. Now I was going to add "in my opinion" but I believe with every ounce of my soul that this is something that concerns God too. We are living in a time where Christ followers should be seeking God's guidance in life matters, habits and decisions but instead they seem to be compromising themselves by living spiritually compromising lives.
Now I'm not talking about us being legalist, I'm talking about living Godly lives. And when it comes to legalism we know that it's not what we do that gets us into heaven because we can't work or do anything to achieve that, Christ has done that for us. BUT if we truly love God then we will be more than willing to live by and obey His laws based on our love for Him. And it's just common sense that tells us that laws were NOT made to broken they were made to be followed and obeyed for the safety and well being of everyone involved. So even in our legal system today there are penalties and consequences for breaking laws. And the thing is with God's laws they will be judged not by our peers (who by the way are imperfect) but by God Himself who is perfect and sees and knows all things.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I am deeply concerned for the souls who live by what they believe to be true instead of by what the Word says is true.
Fervently Praying,