Saturday, January 17, 2009


Life is full of trials, troubles and tribulations. Everyone has them, some greater than others. But I'm finding the old cliche' of "tested by fire" to be truer than ever before. Because when we go through bad or disheartening times we can choose to fumble and fail or stand and shine. We can either get better or get bitter; we can either climb above it or crash because of it and like the old saying goes "life is what you make of it."

But now that I've used every cliche' I can think of, let me drop this on you. Your life may be what you make of it but what you make of your life has an affect on the lives around you everyday. How you handle what life throws your way not only determines the outcome of your day, week, year or lifetime, but it can also affect the lives of others. Maybe the harsh or seemingly bad stuff God allows us to go through isn't always about us, maybe it's really about somebody else. Maybe that "stuff" is what forces us into becoming who we need to be for what lies beyond the now.

So the next time you're in the middle of having a bad day, take a minute to look around you and see who else may benefit from your experience "in the fire."

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