Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It’s been kind of hard to think lately, let alone write. Well let me rephrase that, the problem is more like I’ve been thinking too much. Have you ever had so much on your mind that it makes it nearly impossible to think?

Please say “Yes” so I don’t feel so alone.

You see I’m always thinking of the strangest things, like is life really complicated or do we just make it that way? Or how about this…right now as you’re reading this, the earth is actually spinning at it’s equator at around 1,038 miles per hour, but yet at its poles it’s hardly spinning at all. So if for some uncanny reason God decides to stop the world from spinning wouldn’t it be far safer to live at either the North or South Pole as everyone and everything else flies off? Or how about this one, why does God the Creator of the universe love us so much when in fact, we don’t deserve to be loved at all? Now I’m not asking “how” I’m asking “why?” And I’m not only talking about those who live their lives in blatant disreqard of His existence but I’m talking about those of us who claim to be His followers too. Half the time we’re disobedient, selfish, self centered, self consumed, self righteous and self serving even as His followers. And yet we say we love and live for Him.

So even as followers of Christ I don’t think we fully comprehend just how gracious and how merciful He really is to us. O man, there I go thinking again…


  1. i think, oh here i go, that we think too much of things that matter too little and too little of the things that matter much. is my hair ok?

  2. exactly! I think that's why we are supposed to have the mind of Christ...I wonder if he was ever concerned about how His hair looked? I feel a new blog coming on!

  3. I guess He knows how many hairs some of us used to have too. I wonder when I get my glorified body if I will have all my hair back too. I don't mind that I don't have as much now, it's easier to manage.
