Omission (-mish’en) n. – 1. To leave out; fail to include.
2. To fail to do; neglect. [Lat. omittere.]
Omittere the Latin word from which our word omit, omitted, omitting, omissible, or omission derives from.
We as followers of Christ may understand the concept of the existence of the sins of commission – sins we commit, (things we do but shouldn’t) and the sins of omission – sins we omit, (things we should do but don’t). But we seem to have this tendency to place more emphasis on the things we shouldn’t do but do, then the things we should but don’t. Christianity has become more about what we don’t do or what we don’t believe in rather than what we should do or what we do believe. So we have become this society within society of “don’t-ers” instead of “do-ers”. The Word teaches us that sin is sin and unrepentant sin causes us to condemn ourselves. So why is it we are more worried about the “don’ts” in our lives then we are the “do’s” when both are considered sinful?
I don’t know but maybe it’s that down through the years Pastor’s and leaders of our churches have somehow failed to stress the importance of what we’re supposed to be all about and placed too much importance on what we’re not all about, when there really needs to be an equal value placed on both.
In saying all of that, I need to share a recent “GOD” experience that literally shook my soul. A day this past week God spoke to my heart and opened my eyes and spirit to something I have not been doing that I should have been doing and it rocked my world. I hadn’t seen this aspect about myself so it really caused a life-change for me. I broke into tears and prayers of true repentance.
Now for those of you reading this I will not acknowledge what God revealed, because it’s personal. (But if you ask me on a personal level I will be glad to tell you:) Now please know it’s not that I have been doing anything wrong, it’s that I hadn’t realized I’d not been doing something I should have been doing, and that’s the reason for God’s correction. It hurt, but yet once He ever so softly pointed it out to me I repented and a weight I'd not noticed was there, lifted off of my soul.
Now I’ve said all this to stress that maybe when we pray we should ask God to not only help us to not commit sins, but we should also ask Him to help us see what part of His Will we have omitted from our lives.
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