ENCOURAGE, The Greek word is “parakaleo”, which literally means "to call alongside." It suggests that an object or person is under pressure (fearful, weak, overwhelmed), and it means to strengthen by giving appropriate aid. Ancient Greek authors sometimes used it to describe military reinforcement in difficult times during battles.
And parallel to that description biblical encouragement suggests that Christians live under intense pressure--not just the normal pressures of everyday life in a broken world, but also the pressures of serving Christ in a spiritually hostile environment--and therefore need to be spiritually strengthened on a regular basis.
The bible repeatedly communicates that we should always encourage one another in God's Word/Truth and hope in ways that personally strengthen us to continue to follow God's will for our lives.
Jesus calls us to become communities where encouragement is not only a natural action but a mutual, common and equal give-and-take environment. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to “. . . encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”—so we can not only strengthen each other but so we can become beacons of hope to those who have none.
Now it always seems to surprise people when I explain the fact that I wasn’t born a pastor…but it’s the honest truth. But when I did accept Christ and become one of His followers I had the opportunity to sit in many a pew and witness the “use and abuse” of church leadership.
And one thing I downloaded mentally was that too often we look at our pastors, teachers and other church leaders as if it’s solely their responsibility to always encourage us, the church and the community. The reality is that the Word clearly states that our pastors, teachers and leaders real responsibility is to equip the body so they too will become encouragers.
Ephesians 4:11-12 says,
11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.
NOT just because I now happen to pastor but because it’s a truth found in Gods Word, we need to understand like verse 11 says church leaders are actually “gifts” from Jesus Christ (I didn’t say it, God says it in His Word) and they need to be treated with respect not contempt, and they need to be encouraged just as much, if not more than other followers. A word of appreciation, encouragement and constant prayer are all great ways to encourage not only leadership but everyone around us.
I could go on forever but I need to close with this fact, “parakaleo” is also the term Jesus chose to describe the Holy Spirit in His coming to live in and minister through every Christian. So even when we feel as though we don’t have the strength or ability to be an encourager, the Holy Spirit living within us “comes alongside of us” to council, comfort and complete Gods mission and ministry through our lives. And if you’re wondering, that’s exactly how church leaders can be encouragers to everyone else even when they need encouragement themselves. So the next time you need encouraging seek out the Christ-given gift of your church leadership then do your best to be and encouragement to others through the other Christ-given gift, the Holy Spirit.
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