Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Mess In CHRISTmess

We are in the middle of our December series “CHRISTmess” and so far we’ve recognized that even though Joseph and Mary (Jesus’ parents) were definitely in God’s will for not only their lives but the lives of all of humanity they still had heartaches and trials that turned their lives upside down and made the plans they may have had for their future lives together a complete mess. The end result of the message was that just because our lives seem to be a mess that doesn’t mean that we are out of God’s will for our lives, as some would have us to believe and maybe we are right smack in the middle of the mess we are in because we are right smack in the middle of God’s will.

Then on the 13th we inspected, examined and analyzed Matthew 1 which records Jesus’ genealogy through Joseph, His earthly father’s family tree…and talk about a mess! There are Gentiles, prostitutes, liars and thieves in His dad’s lineage. Which allows us to understand that no matter how messed up we or our roots are, being adopted into God’s family tree is what makes us Holy. Not anything in and of ourselves, or anything we can do will make us Holy except for the fact that God has adopted us into His family tree. And in turn it shows us that God can use us to birth His salvation into the lives of those around us no matter how big a mess we seem to be or be in.

And this week I’m not totally sure what the message will entail but I believe we are talking about how Christmas has become a CHRIST-mess because we have totally turned it upside down! And somewhere in the middle we may discover (I’m not for sure yet) but we may discover that every miracle needs a mess to manifest itself in. Jesus was born not only in the middle of the mess of a feedlot but He was also born right in the middle of the mess that mankind had made of themselves and their relationship with Himself.

All I can say is since every miracle needs a mess to manifest itself in, the way things are going right now for my wife and I and for our great nation...there must be a miracle coming real soon!

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