Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I am a little discombobulated due to the opinions of some Christians, or should I say the biased hardcore “beliefs” of some believers about different worship styles. Yes I am talking about the ultimate debate between the beloved hymns and the more recent choruses. If you have been in any church for any amount of time whatsoever you have discovered that there are those who religiously, and I do mean “religiously” insist hymns are the only songs that must be sung, there are those who only enjoy the new choruses and then you have those who don’t mind singing both.

Now my dazed and confused state is not as much concentrated on the “men and women of God” as much as it is on their reactions or better said their lack of action to the style of worship they dislike. Sadly some have this honest belief that true worship only takes place when one sings out of the hymnals. So when a song is being led in a style they blatantly detest they choose to not sing as if they are making this bold proclamation of protest against some sort of raging machine they feel is leading the masses away from God.

But in my opinion when it comes to the worship debate my question to all who dare to call themselves Christian would be “WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE?” I mean seriously, who DO we think we are to act as if God agrees with us on OUR choice of worship styles? Isn’t worship all about Him and not at all about us? How dare we assume God can or will only move due to one style of worship over another.

To be honest when I think of these brothers and sisters in Christ my heart is troubled and I am sincerely filled with sorrow for them because they just don’t seem to get it. You see the sad, sad fact that these opinionated Christians need to understand is that their decision to NOT sing certain worship songs based solely on their personal disapproval of them is like personally making a decision that God is not worthy of all of their praise. So of course they will not FEEL or SEE God move in their lives because they’re not open to His moving or His “inhabiting their praises” because of their personal decision to just not worship because of their personal preference.

Worship whether we’re singing the old or the new is all about the expression of God’s worthiness to us as our Creator, King and Savior. So we should sing every song with every ounce of our beings and stop being so concerned about our personal preferences and become more concerned about our personal relationship with our personal Savior.

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