Saturday, January 16, 2010

Natural Disaster

I don't know about you, but I find it deeply distressing and disheartening that it takes major devastation from natural disasters for not just entire nations, but humanity in general to work together to rescue others in dire need.

Now I'm not saying we shouldn't do everything within our powers to help others in times like this earthquake in Haiti, but can you imagine how much better the condition of our entire world would be in if we would all just give of our time, finances and prayers to meet the needs of others consistently and not just when a catastrophe causes focus on a particular people group, city or country?

I mean seriously shouldn't the lack of food, safe drinking water, clothes, medical needs and the number of orphaned children in this world count as a calamity?

Why is it we all, all of a sudden band together as humanitarians and become heroic when massive numbers of people die in an earthquake or a tsunami at one time, and yet year, after year, after year large amounts of human lives are lost due to a lack of the basic and abundant needs most of us take for granted?

Shouldn't we place just as high a value on one life as we do on fifty thousand?

Think about it, if all of humanity would work together all of the time like we do in times such as this earthquake in Haiti then meeting the needs of those who go without would make this world a far, far better place for everyone. The fact is the worldwide death toll and crime rate would not only decrease but the world's economy would most assuredly improve.

So where does this leave us?

Well for the most part it leaves us watching the devastating pain and suffering of events such as this earthquake in Haiti on the news or on the Internet, and maybe sending money, food or clothing to help. And for some it might lead to flying into that particular location to help with the rescue attempts.

But what then? So many of those in Haiti like other places, live without the basic needs to sustain life before natural disasters like this one takes what little they do have.

So which is the real "natural disaster" or catastrophe?

Is it the fact that people suffer because of earthquakes and tsunami's or is it possibly the fact that other human beings in our world suffer because the rest of humanity just naturally ignores their basic needs to sustain decent livable lives before or after these natural disasters strike?