Friday, July 24, 2009


Have you ever heard the phrase “I know it like the back of my hand”? My next question to you is how long has it been since you’ve really taken a good look at the back of your hand?

I’ve heard of "palm" readers before, (which I totally believe are people the Bible plainly states we should avoid) but when I looked at the back side of my hand this morning I could read a lot about myself I didn’t like. When my right hand is clenched into a fist the back of its smooth and scarred but it also has these freckles that weren’t there before and now I’ve found out these aren’t just freckles… they’re ‘AGE SPOTS’! And then when I extend all of my fingers and straighten my hand out the back of thing becomes this old dude’s hand, all wrinkled, rippled and well…old! What happened? Did hand snatchers come last night while I was fast asleep and switch out my hands for some old dudes hands? What’s going on here? What is happening to me?

Oh yea, time is happening to me. Everything that used to be Fabio-like is now Flabby-O-like. My eyes aren’t doing their job as well as they used to, my hair seems to be growing out my ears and nose instead of out the top of my head and when I look in the mirror there’s this older heavy-set, grey haired guy looking back at me who looks nothing like me. Now I know this wasn’t God’s plan in the beginning and it’s all due to Adam’s fall in the Garden but is it all really fair? No, and I know God never said it would be fair but cut us some slack. After all it wasn’t any of us that tripped up in that Garden.

In all honesty though we all know He did cut us some slack. He made a way for us all to actually live forever and receive new glorified bodies when we get to hang with Him in Heaven. So in the end I guess it all evens out. So when’s the last time you took a long look at the back of your hand?


Hi. My name's Ron James and I'm addicted to Bejeweled.

Ok, maybe not addicted but I really like it. I was thinking how Bejeweled is sort of like life. We have situations in our lives where we would really like for every thing to line up and be right but some times it's not that easy. We have to constantly make decisions and choices on which moves to make in our lives so it all lines up but in some cases we don't always make the right choices or we just can't see what needs to move where to get where we're supposed to be. But just like playing Bejeweled if we sit back, take some time and relax that little arrow points to the move that needs to be made.

In life when every thing seems chaotic and all this stuff drops on you out of nowhere that's when we need to sit back, take some time, relax and seek God's Word and listen for His small still voice to point us and guide us through our next moves. Because essentially He invented, programmed and placed us in this game of life in the first place. So who better to show us the direction we need to move than the Creator Himself?

Thursday, July 23, 2009


My wife and I went to my mom and dads house today to move the few piece of furniture we decided to bring home. I was thinking about it tonight, I was really either loved or spoiled - or both.

Thinking back now, my brother and I got just about everything we asked for growing up from our parents. But as we loaded and unloaded the furniture today it hit me pretty hard, I would trade everything they ever gave me just to have them back. I believe some times we can lose site of how valuable our loved ones are to us. Of course from a Christian point of view I know I will see them again and knowing that is very comforting.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I guess what I was trying to say in the last blog [simply put] would be let's keep our focus on Christ instead of each other.

Spiritual Training Wheels

I always find it amazing how people give credit to others for their spiritual depth. I’ve had people in the past say they’ve accepted Christ under our ministry and because of our obedience they’re connected to Christ. Now even though this may be partially true, I disagree with the entirety of the statement.

Listen if your spiritual depth depends on someone other than Christ then you are basing your belief on the wrong person. You and your spiritual life and decisions should be based solely on your personal relationship and love for God and His Word. I’ll be the first to tell you that people will let you down. I will at some point let you down, not intentionally, but I probably will…I’m human - I’m not Christ.

Your salvation and your walk with Christ should be based on a personal growing desire to get to know your Creator better. Now yes, sometimes others can get us started on the right path but essentially our walk down that path needs to be a stronger focus on Christ not on anyone else.

For lack of a better analogy it’s sort of like learning to ride a bike. First you have training wheels and someone to hold you and show you how to pedal and steer. But sooner or later the person holding you has to let you go and the training wheels have to come off so you can experience riding your own bike down your own path for yourself. In other words you can’t say you are following Christ if you constantly have to have somebody else as your spiritual training wheels. Pastors, teachers, mentors and good fiends are great to look to for accountability but Jesus should be your internal and eternal guide.

In closing this blog I guess I need to put it this way…we should never lift people up on pedestals because that just makes them idols in our lives. Jesus said “If (He) be lifted up He will draw all men unto Him.” To put it plainly we should look up to Jesus, not to man.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Together Once Again

We picked up Dustin and Lauren at the airport last night and had a fun and wonderful time hearing all their stories about their trip to Jamaca. And as we were waiting in the airport I couldn't help but notice all the other people waiting beside us for their loved ones to arrive. When the loud speaker announced their flight had arrived everyone of us arose from our seats and stood by the glass wall in anticipation of just a glimpse of those we would soon be reunited with. I watched the heart-felt reactions of all those waiting and arriving when they were once again in the presence ot their loved ones. Not a one of the reunions were sad, they were all hugging and kissing and joyful moments of reconnection.

But this one couple in particular caught my attention and I just can't get that moment out of my spirit. As this one gentleman cleared the glass wall that separated he and his wife, he immediately dropped his bag and ran to her arms, and as they embraced tears of joy filled their eyes. It was as if no one else was in the airport. They didn't care who was around them or what anyone else thought. They were together once again.

And I couldn't help but imagine that this was a perfect picture of how Heaven will be at the rapture. We will cast off the things and cares of this world as the Bride is finally reunited with the Bridegroom who's been anxiously awaiting this moment. The reunion will be a glorious time of joy, jubilation and celebration as the Creator embraces His creation and we are together once again, forever!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

finally writing again

Well I finally have a little time to write a little something.

Our sons wedding was yesterday and as of about 20 minutes ago I’ve been able to slow down mentally and physically. WE are beat and exhausted, but it is well worth it.

Where does the time go? Seems it was just yesterday I was chasing Dustin and 2 of his 3rd grade friends around the Topeka Zoo at the school field trip. (I still have the ticket stub) What happened to our little boy who was more interested in playing with dirt clods in the infield then the baseball game he was supposed to be playing? Where’s my little Power Ranger underwear clad - cowboy boot wearing son gone to? When did my little Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle morph into this young man?

Whenever it happened I’m sad yet glad it did. Because now I understand what it’s like to let people you really love go under sad circumstances and also happy celebrations.

Dustin and Lauren I wish and pray for God’s blessings to forever be in your present and forever await you in your future.

Love you,

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Have you noticed that when you accept God into your life you become different? You act differently, you talk differently, you think differently and you treat people differently than you did before you asked Jesus to come into your life. Did you notice that the things you used to like you now dislike and the things you disliked you now like? You know you’re you but it’s like you’re a new you, you know what I mean?
Well if you don’t, then maybe you should ask God to change you. The Word of God tells us that when we truly accept Christ into our lives we become new creations; it says that we’ve put away the old man and become a new creation in Him. So if you haven't changed your way of life, your way of thinking, the way you treat others, or how you feel about sin...then if I was you, I’d be checking my own spirituality out, not everyone else’s.