Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today for the third time I’ve had 2 young students at the door in suits carrying briefcases and [their] bibles. One is about 16-17 the other about 9-10. The older does all the talking while the younger stands there stiff and frozen with this look on his face like a deer paralyzed by the headlights of a monster truck.

The older is polite, respectful and courteous as he lays out his introduction and does his best to befriend me. Now the first time we met on my porch I informed him I was the Pastor of the Pentecostal Church not twenty feet from us, (thinking that would send him running never to return) but it didn’t faze him.

Now this morning he asked if I would like to have some W.T. information to read and I politely accepted and listened as he read from his word, how- believe it or not, people can be deceived by the false teachers and teaching of today and be lead astray from Christ’s original teachings.

Now that you have the full picture of what and who we’re talking about, I need to admit to you that usually I will open my Bible and start witnessing to the Witnesses about false teachings and teachers myself. But again today with these two young boys I couldn’t help but constantly think about how they think they are doing what they need to do to make it into their J.W. "heaven" (wich is just soul-sleep for them- since their elite 144 thousand have already beat them to being included in the “New Heaven” of their scriptures version).

In one way I felt I was doing them a favor by letting them witness to me, but the reality of it is- I wasn’t. They thought they were [doing = works] what they needed to do to make it to their eternal resting place after this life and I continued to play along because to be honest they go away quicker if you don’t confront them with the Truth. BUT by my not telling them the Truth I failed as a Christian let alone a Pastor.

SO YES the Witnesses are dedicated to going from door to door talking about their beliefs but they are taught that in so doing they attain their reward in their heaven BY WHAT THEY DO- not by the grace of God through the shed blood of Christ.

The thing is we should be that dedicated in seeing others come to a relationship with Jesus that we would feel the need to go door to door, but in order that others might give their hearts to God, not so we may attain salvation.

So if God allows the Witnesses to confront me again I shall take the time out of my day to witness to them and plant some seeds of thought in their minds and hearts that we don't have to do anything to have our Father in heaven love us accept, accept His love, His grace and His mercy.

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