Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just Wondering

Why is it you never see Christ followers paying $29.00 to $1500.00 to get in the doors and set in a pew or having tailgate parties and barbeque's in the parking lot at the church because they're excited about the victory that's already been won?

Why is it you never see Christ followers camping out in long lines, sleeping in sleeping bags in tents or on lawn chairs on the sidewalks to make sure they can get in the church doors to get the "latest" from iAm?

And why is it you never see Christ followers spending hours upon hours with their face in God's book waiting to read His latest post about Himself or about them?

Simply said, why is it that those who say they're fans of Jesus Christ seem to not be as devoted as the NFL, iMac or facebook fans? And another maybe even more intriguing question is, are some who say they're Jesus fans possibly NFL, iMac or facebook fans too and if so where do their loyalties truly lie?

I'm Just wondering.

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