Sunday, January 2, 2011


Scripture tells us that NOW is the time of salvation. NOT today, tomorrow or the next but NOW. We are changed in a moment and the moment to change is NOW. We can't do it on our own that's why Jesus came to die and rise again so we could have a new heart, new life and a new direction. In other words He came to offer us change.

We struggle, fight and argue over change because change is difficult and just plain hard. It makes us uncomfortable and we don't like to be uncomfortable. But in order to change we have to surrender. We must surrender our minds, our bodies and our wills over to God. In other words, what we think, what we do and where we go needs to line up with God's word and will. It's hard but it can be done if we will just say "I give up!" and then give it up to Him. You can do this NOW. You don't need to be in a church service with a preacher shaking his finger at you telling you you need to change, you already know that - don't you? Be honest with yourself.

God is waiting, He knows what's going on in your life, He knows your heart and He's waiting.

What will it be... will you change NOW?

Just ask Christ to forgive you and change you and He will. Then I suggest you find a group of followers who are real about their faith and hang with them, learn with them and encourage and be encouraged by them.

It's your choice and chance to change... NOW. What are you waiting for?

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