Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Last week in our "HOARDERS" series we mentioned two shows on TV that deal with Hoarding which take us into the lives of a couple of people every week who have the debilitating disorder known as Disposophobia which is a fear of throwing anything away so they save or hoard everything.

We also talked about how every show ends by showing us which hoarder took it to HEART and learned how to control their hoarding by getting rid of the stuff in their lives that was affecting them in a devastating and negative way, and which ones refused to change the way they’re living and fell back into the deep end of this painful disease full well knowing how the consequences of their actions will affect them and the people around them.

And then we asked the question of what it is as followers of Christ we might possibly be hanging on to, or Hoarding.

And by looking at Matthew 6. 19-21 we UNCOVERED the fact that even as Christians, what we may be hoarding is our HEARTS. Because this set of scriptures or teaching "uncovers" [pardon the pun] a much deeper problem than just "storing up" or "hoarding" as Peterson puts it in the Message, our treasures. It also helps us to dig deep inside of ourselves and see that the heart or the "wellspring of life" is what needs laid bare and purged. Jesus tells us it's wrong to hoard that which is tangible here on earth but yet it's OK to hoard the intangible in heaven. You see He's not just referring to our treasures as being our money but our motives. Because if you dig deeper you can actually see the real problem is buried and hidden in what we've stored up in our hearts and who our hearts truthfully belong to.

So in this weeks message we’re going to DIG even DEEPER to reveal what else we may be hoarding and not even know it. So join us Sunday, February 13th at 10:30 for our second message of "HOARDERS".

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