Wednesday, May 13, 2009

vantage point

Have you ever noticed how that sometimes our point of views can be biased because it’s usually our points and our views? I mean what makes us think as individuals that our perspectives or positions are proper and perfect and everybody else’s are just positively phony or felonious? Now hear me out on this because I’m not referring to the actual TRUTH when it comes to the Word of God, I’m referring to the actual truth when it comes to ourselves. All of us love to see the good and great things about ourselves when it comes to our strengths, habits, talents and victories but what about the times our weakness, shortcomings or sins of omission and commission are revealed to us? What then? What do we do? Human nature dictates we ignore them usually by viewing, judging and preaching to others about theirs, of which I will admit- I too often do. But what would happen if our point of view was based on Jesus’ point of view of us? You see I really believe that our everyday lives would be lived out differently if we would passionately position our lives around the ever-present perspective of our Savior and His point of view of us.

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