Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday vs. Sabbath day

Well it's Saturday again and here I am at the office trying to catch up on the "Lords work." You know, it seems I can't ever work in any down-time for myself. I mean even Jesus took time to go up to the mountains by himself for a little vacation. That's what the Sabbath is supposed to be about, a day of rest. I'm not complaining I'm just pondering the perplexities of the power, peace and prospect of a real "day off".

You know a day where you just do what you want to do, whether it's art, reading or just laying around in your P.J.'s with a bowl of cereal and a remote in your hand all day. We all need a break once in a while, not from God or from His work necessarily, but sometimes His work is allowing Him to work on you.

So take a break, read a book, paint, draw or watch HGTV all day! Whatever it is that gives you release or rest.

Bye, I'm taking my own adive.

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